Our Maison among the excellences in the book “Storie di Successo, L’Italia dell’Ingegno e dell’Eccellenza nel Mondo”

Our Maison has been selected among the Made in Italy excellences to be featured in the book “Storie di Successo, L’Italia dell’Ingegno e dell’Eccellenza nel Mondo” (Stories of Success: The Ingenuity and Excellence of Italy in the World), conceived and created by Roberto Santori in collaboration with ANSA, and chosen as an institutional gift for the G7 Summit and the subsequent ministerial meetings for the Italian Presidency of the G7.

A precious opportunity for our ancient vinegar house, which has been producing Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena since 1850, bringing the excellence of Made in Italy beyond borders.

“Another important achievement” - explains Massimo Malpighi, president - “that adds to our project of promoting the culture of this extraordinary product of Emilian craftsmanship. A product tied to an ancient tradition, which as such must be protected, preserved, and also narrated”.

The book tells 23 success stories that embody Italian excellence in key sectors discussed at the G7: technological innovation, environmental sustainability, economic competitiveness, and Italy’s role in global relations. The idea was born from the work that Made in Italy, a project focused on Italian excellence, has conducted over the past two years with its community of entrepreneurs and Italian companies, examining the challenges and opportunities of the national brand, and discussing the key role that Made in Italy plays.

Made in Italy is organized as a community to share success stories and innovations of Italian companies in Italy and abroad, events with institutions, and projects for the development of new entrepreneurial skills.

“This book is a tribute to Made in Italy” - comments Roberto Santori - “but also an invitation to reflect on how Italy can significantly contribute to shaping a more sustainable, balanced, and inclusive global future. The idea of the book was born from the work we conducted over the past two years with our community of entrepreneurs and Italian companies, examining the challenges and opportunities of the national brand, and discussing the key role that Made in Italy plays today in the global scenario”.

The book is a limited edition exclusive for the G7 Summit and ministerial meetings, for participating companies, and for the Made in Italy community.